I am not NaNo-ing, which means I have the brain power to enjoy these chilly, dead-leaf-filled days and also to see Thor 2 twice because, well, Tom Hiddleston. It also means I have the extra brain power to angst about Landry Park Two, which has Been Sent Off and is Awaiting Help from the marvelous editor lady. In the meantime, I’ve been working on a new WIP, which has lots of dead leaves and fog and abandoned buildings (and is decidedly not part of a series.)
There’s a kind of excitement to drafting something New and Completely Different, and it reminds me of why I love writing so much. There’s always a new project, a new world and new people to daydream about and explore. And this nascent stage, where it’s all still internal and daydreamy and pure creation–it’s basically like magic.
Speaking of magic, I’ll leave you with some Loki Jazz Hands because, well, Tom Hiddleston.

1 comment | tags: drafting, editing, landry park two, loki
So lately it’s been a lot of waiting. If you thought that the query stage was a trial of patience, brace yourself. Publishing is all about waiting. Waiting for an editorial letter, waiting for a marketing plan, waiting for a cover, waiting, waiting, waiting.
Right now, I’m in the waiting for a cover phase and it’s a fantastic mix of excitement and anticipation and genuine impatience. A cover is something that everyone from the editor to the sales department weighs in on, and they take into account all sorts of practical variables that I would never think of, plus still find a way for it to be true to the book. And I am super duper lucky that I’ve been invited to chime in with any thoughts or ideas I may have–not many authors can say that! So, with so much expert input, these things can take time.
But, while I know all this with my brain, I am still impatient. Waiting is hard.
I’m keeping myself busy, though. Book Two is well underway–probably only 10,000 or 20,000 words away from being a real first draft that I can then rip apart and stitch back together (like Frankenstein’s monster.) I won’t lie, Book Two is been a PITA, and this is only the drafting part–the easy part. God help me when it comes to revision time.
1 comment | tags: book two, cover, drafting, waiting

Gennifer, myself (plus an extra chin) and Lenore!
Well, despite me randomly having an extra chin in this picture, the panel went great! Lenore and Gennifer answered a whole host of my diabolical (not really) questions and gave informed and educated answers, and then we all read from our books (there was a sneak peek of Landry Park in there.)
Now off to drafting Book Two once more. I’ve sent the boys off to war, so there’s no making out right now. Maybe some wandering in gardens?
no comments | tags: author event, book two, drafting, Gennifer Albin, lenore appelhans
After three years, two major revisions (which each time involved deleting about 40,000 words,) and a more normalized revision with fleshing out characterization, world building and narrative threads, Landry Park is now in the hands of my critique partners. While I’m waiting for their disgust suggestions, I am working on other things.
At first I thought I would just flesh out notes on some ideas that have been swirling around in my brain for quite a while. Three years is a long time to work on one project (although much of that was taken up with school, and gestating and birthing two babies) and even though I am religiously monomaniacal about finishing a project I’ve started, my brain tends to wander after that much time. Plus, as a mom, I have a lot of dead time in the car, or while the kids smash Play-Doh into the walls, or while I’m waiting for my son to finish on the potty.
That’s right. When you have a toddler, hours of your life will be dedicated to watching someone poop. Waiting for them to poop. Begging them to poop so you can go check on dinner or the infant that’s started pulling laundry out of the hamper.
But, when I started fleshing out notes, the stories started getting more compelling. The characters became more vivid. And I could resist opening a new Scrivener file and starting. And after gut-wrenching revisions, filled with massive cuts and hours of fine-tuning and fiddling, the feeling of a blank screen and infinite possibility was amazing.
In drafting land, there are no mistakes. There are few agonies and even fewer minor frustrations. You are walking along with your main character, learning as they learning, meeting new people as they meet them. I love this part, just spending time with your protagonist, because on the long road ahead, you need these happy memories to keep going. It’s a lot like marriage, really. Or watching a tiny person poop.
1 comment | tags: drafting, landry park, toddler, WrAHM, writing