Happy third year, little guy

You started preschool two weeks ago, and when I came to pick you up last Tuesday, you looked at me and said, “I’m glad you are here.  I’ve been here forever.”

Typical kid statement, but for a not-yet-three-year-old, I think it’s downright astounding.  You sounded so articulate, so adolescent in your exaggeration, that sometimes it’s hard to remember your true age when you’re throwing fits about the color of macaroni or crying because a dust bunny touched you.

Just so we can see how far your language has come this year, here is a little glossary of Noah-isms, from about eighteen months to just a few months ago, when you morphed into a tiny Cicero.

mite— Belly button.  You asked constantly to see everyone’s “mite.”  Weirdo.
pepa and mema— Before you could say Grandpa and Grandma.  Now all your Grandpas are permanently Pepas.
candle— Cigarette, because lighters are used to light both.
Daddy/mommy home— Meaning be here with me right now, even if you’re already home.
Binky go– Instead of being short for “Where’d binky go?” this indicates that binky went somewhere and that you had something to do with it.
Mommy, carry you– Meaning, “carry me.”  You had your “mes” and “yous” mixed up for a while.
hurt you— Knives were called “hurt yous” because we always warned you that they would hurt you if you touched them.
Seahorse— Any glowing doll was called this because you had a seahorse that glowed and played music at bedtime.
Onkax— contacts
with my feet— barefoot
brown/white/orange coffee— hot chocolate/vanilla steamer/caramel steamer
I’m not a good boy, I’m just Noah–response to someone calling him a good boy
Ginky— what binky was called for a long time.
I love you, little Cicero.  Happy third!

3 Responses to “Happy third year, little guy”

  • Daynise Says:

    I love this! I’ll never forget when he tried to sweetly trick me into getting his “ginky” for him when he was being weaned off it during the day. He started asking me to repeatedly go into his room and then he’d stand frozen staring into the closet. I didn’t understand at first, but then I saw that Mommy had placed the “ginky” in his closet and he was hoping I’d see it and get it for him. When I wouldn’t fall for the trick, he cracked and turned to his mommy and yelled, “MY GINKY!” The jigg was up.

    Then there was the time he poked me in the “mite” so hard I got a belly button infection. I think three other people were also given “mite” infections by Noah around the same time. It was the great “mite” outbreak of 2010.

    And finally, “giggle lights.” I will never forget “giggle lights.”

    Love you always kiddo. Happy, happy birthday!
    “Aunt ‘Nise”

    • bethanyh Says:

      Yes, he was intent on scamming you for that binky! He wore me down eventually…and that is why he’s in his bed now with a binky in his mouth and two in each hand.

  • Eddy Says:

    I think you should add, “I don’t have a dog!” to your list of Noah’ism’s. We really had a good time, Thanks.

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