Nov 7 2011

You Real NaNo-ers Are Crazy

For real.  I’m lurking on the forums, looking at all these fantastic motivated people with their epic word counts, writing three chapters a day despite having two jobs, three kids, four dogs and a quilting business on the side.  I’m inspired by you folk!  And only in a medium-jealous way.

Other things I’m inspired by (friend edition [and no, not all the same friend]):

My friend is singing again!

My friend’s business is busier than ever!

My friend is getting married!

My friend is thinking about adopting!

My friend is finishing her book!

My friend has a book cover and a release date!

My friend is finishing her first semester of grad school!

My sister is in California, doing her advanced training for the Navy!


I’ve been sick all last week and this weekend, sipping Nyquil on the rocks and huffing eucalyptus oil  from a vaporizer, so I haven’t been making much use of the inspiration clouds hovering over me.  But this week is a new week!  And despite the sudden onset of gloomy cold November, I’m ready to set my nose to the grindstone again.  Onward and upward.